Somos un programa estricto solo para mascotas (se requiere esterilización o castración). Ocasionalmente trabajamos con otros criadores que se alinean con nuestras prácticas, así que comuníquese si está interesado en los derechos de reproducción por una tarifa adicional.
Red/Apricot/Cream: $2800
Red/Apricot/Cream + White: $3000
Black Tricolor: $3100
Chocolate Tricolor: $3300
Black/Chocolate Merle: $3300
Black/Chocolate/Tan Merle: $3500
Parti: (50% or more White)
Black or Chocolate Tricolor Parti: $3300
Merle Parti: $3500
Red/Apricot/Cream Parti: $3000
*2024 is a year of reconfiguration for Doodles and Doxies, and we are reducing our program to offer mostly mini options only in the future. Please message us if you want info on our Standard Size Retired Adult Parents who will no longer be a candidate for our program.
Se aplica un impuesto sobre las ventas del 7,25 % a todos los cachorros recogidos en el estado de Ohio. El impuesto sobre las ventas no se aplica a los cachorros recogidos o entregados en mano por nuestra niñera de cachorros fuera del estado de OH.
Cachorros Disponibles
Here are the current options we have if you are looking for a Goldendoodle. Click the button to view the litter and what pups you can choose.
No current litters being raised for Goldendoodles. Please check out our Upcoming Litters to see the future litters we have planned and join the waitlist!
Camadas Actuales
Goldendoodles are a fantastic choice for families looking for a new furry friend. They are known for being friendly, affectionate, and easy to train, making them a great fit for households with children or strangers. Additionally, their intelligence and variety of coat options make them a versatile and attractive option for any family.
It's important to note that any Doodle mix has the potential for shedding if the breeder is not careful with the genetics they are using. Additionally, if more Poodle is involved in the mix, there is a chance that the dog may have a bit more energy. However, with proper breeding and care, Doodle mixes can make wonderful and low-shedding pets for families.
Haga clic a continuación para ir a nuestras camadas planificadas para 2023
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