Out-crossing is the key to health and an important element in our breeding program. We do not line breed. We cross breed unrelated dogs - either starting with AKC registered purebreds to establish our F1 lines, breeding our F1 lines back to AKC Poodles, or sometimes crossing Doodle to another Doodle. Our program started in 2018 with Goldendoodles, and has organically grown to offer a limited range of options for other doodles: Irishdoodles, Bernedoodles, Sheepadoodles, and Pyredoodles. Our reputation has spread, and we are proud to be recognized as one of the top Sheepadoodle breeders in the Northeast Region by not one but TWO established bloggers:
Our doodles live indoors around typical house noises such as vacuuming, washer, voices and other dogs both large and small. 5 children means that no puppy gets left behind.:) We constantly hold, play, walk, run, and explore with them!
Standards: between 55-75lbs (We no longer offer standards at this time, with the exception of our small standard F1 Bernedoodle litters with Lady or Lizzie)
Mediums: between 35-55 lbs
Miniatures: Between 20-30 or 25-40 lbs.
** It is normal for weights to fluctuate, meaning there may be a puppy in every litter who goes beyond or below our expectations. Genetics pull from multiple generations, not just the parents.
Baxter & Bella Training and ENS (early neurological stimulation) is initiated from the time they come into this world and of course they are started on housebreaking, crate training and learning new commands, all before they leave our world for yours. We always encourage our clients to continue their socialization and training with Baxter and Bella, and offer a rather large discount code (25%) because we are a vetted and verified Breeder who works closely with that program!